虽然在这毫无进展的一卷中,Mat也没走多远,看过一轮又一轮的开会,政治,不信任,自私和无底线之后,骰子的出现,仍然是对心灵的美好安慰啊。饭点找饭辙。Luca和Latelle两口子的饭好像非常重口味Chel VaninHarnanFerginMetwyn红臂们的饭闻着不错,可是Vanin又不太讲卫生。最后似乎也没说他吃了什么,反正还有Lopin和Nerim嘛。
“Winter’s almost done. We’ll move faster once spring comes. You’ll see. Come the middle of spring, and we’ll be in Lugard.”引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds在Great North Road上走着,目标Lugard。说是春天来了会走快点,那也得几个月后啦。Weesin:路上经过的村庄
Mat stood with a heavy woolen cloak pulled around him in a driving rain and watched the three Aes Sedai steal back into the show as the sun set. 引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds三个沙袋还总觉着自己能起什么作用呢。
The man liked sticking his nose in everywhere.引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of RosebudsNoal,他的目的是什么?
But then, a Warder was ready to die if his Aes Sedai decided it was necessary. Not Mat Cauthon. 引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds看到这种话就有不祥的预感,他会不会被Tuon绑缚?
“Seanchan soldiers did pass through the village yesterday,” Teslyn said, her Illianer accent particularly strong.引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds她们探听的消息。她们是不甘寂寞,还是认为自己比别人更能起作用?
The soldiers did believe the Ever Victorious Army will present Illian to their empress before the end of spring. The City itself, and all the rest.引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds霄晨是真的要进攻Illian吗?
Not that he really thought about putting those collars on the sisters again. Not often, anyway. He was well and truly stuck.引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds也只是想想而已,真看到有沙袋给套上了,他又会忙不迭的去解。和Perrin真是完全不一样啊。其实Mat自己的情报源比沙袋厉害得多,玛丽莲和竹林。这边幸运和好看的原因之一就是,信任多,猜忌少。
Well, he trusted Thom, when the white-haired gleeman could be routed out from playing Snakes and Foxes with Olver or mooning over a much-creased letter he carried tucked in the breast of his coat.引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of RosebudsThom其实一直等着他问呢。
He had heard some of the contortionists joking about how the Taraboner serving girl was wearing the Tairen thief-catcher out till he could barely walk. 引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds竹林这边,这个...新婚生活...但Thera一直是个危险因素。
“Are you sure it wouldn’t be better just to make sure she can’t talk to anyone? Just a suggestion, lad. If you say not, then not.”引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of RosebudsNoal想杀Thera灭口,可怕的老头啊。
“It seems Suroth might have made an alliance with some king,” Juilin reported with a smile over a cup of mulled wine. 引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds在和谁结盟呢?Masema还是别人?
There was no drinking, no dancing, and no gambling. 引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds这一路好苦。对Tuon的追求。是什么目的呢?在结婚前让对方好歹能爱让自己,婚后好不被虐待?不是挺喜欢当M的吗?
He needed someone to attract Tuon’s ire, someone to make him seem acceptable by comparison, but he could not say that, could he? 引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds这点坏心眼儿,这样其实算是害了Egeanin,也算是替Egeanin彻底下了决心。Olver和Noal也在。
“Noal has been telling us about Co’dansin, Mat,” 引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of RosebudsCo’dansin就是Shara。Ayyad,Shara的女性引导者,之前和本卷的后面的名词解释都提到过。
“Fortune rides like the sun on highwith the fox that makes the ravens fly.Luck his soul, the lightning his eye,He snatches the moons from out of the sky.”引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of RosebudsNoal对真龙预言是很熟的,他本人就翻译过。他应该知道这一段说的就是Mat。Mat曾经认为真龙预言没有提到过自己,实际上提到了不止一次,不要抱侥幸心理啦。这段预言说得非常明确,只有the lightning his eye稍微有点费解,eye是单数,这是暗示过无数次的。但是lightning是指的失去,还是剩下的会获得什么呢?
Those colors whirled in his head just the way they had that morning, when the Aes Sedai were panicking. They flashed away without making a picture this time, but he felt as cold as if he had spent a night sleeping under a bush in his skin.引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds眼前的色彩,似乎并不仅仅和Rand有关,此时Mat就没有想到Rand,只是听到了关于自己的预言。而Rand那边,也不止能看到Perrin和Mat,还有Moridin。
He had taught the boy how to make a leg, but the boy usually added a leer for a pretty woman.引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds哟哟,这是跟谁学的啊。
With a twist of her wrist, she hurled the necklace at Egeanin, snapping, “Put it on!” 引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds给Tuon送礼物结果害惨了Egeanin,现在她是shea dancer了,还得到了个羞辱性的名字Leilwin Shipless,Tuon有时候非常萌,但她很霄晨化的时候,就挺讨厌。
Strategy and tactics. Learn the ground, learn your enemy, and if you could not win one way, you found another.引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds这段泡妞攻略真是非常有趣呢。
“I’ve changed my mind, Toy,” she murmured, placing the white stone carefully on the intersection of two lines near the center of the board. “You play very well.”引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds自然是双关语。
“My father called himself a gambler,” Tuon said softly. “He died of a bad wager.”引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds所以赌徒亲王是霄晨的传统?
She trained damane? For fun? Light! 引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds嘿嘿,劲爆吧,但吹仔此时还意识不到这件事还意味着什么。
A woman says three times that a man is her husband, and he says three times she’s his wife, and they’re married. 引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds终于解破Ebou Dar那晚的事。Egeanin的“你不能这样说”不是指吹仔对九个月亮的女儿无理,而是说以他的身份,不该像王储求婚。
As long as they both speak in front of witnesses, inside a year and a day, the marriage is legal. You truly didn’t know?引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds只要在一年零一天之内就是有效的。话说这一年零一天,到底是有什么典故?Gai shain也必须做一年零一天。
That was when Mat really knew there was no escape for him.引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds他是希望Tuon呼救吗?哈哈。
It was phrased as a request, in a way, a reminder of a promise he had made, but he knew a demand when a woman made one. 引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds其实就是购物啦。
She smiled at him, and the dice in his head stopped dead.引自 CHAPTER 28 A Cluster of Rosebuds但陪未来的媳妇购个物,至于都出动了骰子吗?乔丹在陪哈莉叶买东西的时候,是不是受了好多苦啊。
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